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Miss Integrity Nigeria cultural Queen kick off Her educational Campaign

Miss Funmi Adejumo, Reigning Miss integrity Nigeria international cultural Queen 2016 launch her pet project in Oyo state.

The campaign themed "Build a Nation" is set to expose the students on ethics and hygiene, the goal is to cover eight schools in four different states in Nigeria. There is an adage that says health is wealth, hygiene is very important to one and the environment at the large, it teaches the students about their own personal hygiene,what to do and what not to , food hygiene etc

The first day of the campaign kicked off on the 21th of February 2017 at Valencia college in Ibadan oyo state state. The Beauty Queen communicated effectively to the students and advised them on ethical issues, dangers of drugs etc and how it affect us as individuals. Her experience at Valencia college was indeed a memorable one as the student were attentive and adorable. At the end, books were distributed to them which is titled, one Nigeria, and the other book is titled ethnics and hygiene for kids, copies of these books were also left at the library for further reading and inquiry ,the books were written by a great Nigeria writter Miss Onyenagiri Chinenye Margaret, author and of kings and queens books.

 The second day of the campaign was on the 22nd of February, the beauty queen and the Integrity team visited Adelayo Academy in Ibadan Oyo State, the management and students of the school were excited about their visit.
The teachers of the school also joined the students and listened to her educative lecture, it was an amazing experience, books were also distributed to the students and some copies were left in the library, her visit to Adelayo Academy was a great success, it is a moment to be remembered always.

She will be visiting other schools this March
Speaking to cross section of news men present at the occasion she said, "I find this fulfilling and exciting because the best joy I could ever have is being in the midst of young and great minded people, talking to them and rubbing minds together , with people who care about others, the society and our country at large,and being a great inspiration to them".

In the same vein, the queen thanked her parents Mr and Mrs Adejumo for their support so far in achieving her dreams and also her manager Mr Kingsley .C. Mbaegbu the CEO Goldtech Events and Founder Miss Integrity International-Nigeria for standing and believing in her.

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